Recorded live at NO SIGNAL NYC
- Oprofessionell - Search
- Impulse - Horse Power
- Franco Rossi - Exha
- Slone - Blessing
- Slone - Return to Sender
- Distractor - Tiemoko Kone
- Augusto Taito - Drop Seeking
- Evelyn - Hail
- Evelyn - Material [M]
- Ben Reymann - Howl
- Amotik - Pensath
- Amotik - Baavan
- Amotik - Sattar
- Cycle_2 - cy2.3
- Isabel Soto - 2 mundos
- Isabel Soto - Suculenta (Pulso Remix)
- Tehotu - No Fear
- Tehotu - Unseen Fall
- Paul Hauck & IGLO - Red Fantasy
- Jauri - Macapauna
- Magna Pia - Yultuz
- Thanos Hana - Quarter KW
- Thanos Hana - Stram
- Amotik - Chappan
- Miss Electric - They Left the Planet
- Translate, Pulso - Mind Paths
- Lakej - Predictive Cycle
- JXTPS - Interzone
- DVSI - Unravel
- Axling - Form Decay
- CONCEPTUAL - Closer than expected
- Pink Concrete - I Hate Millennial Architecture
- Red Rooms - Line of Sight
- Paul Hauck & IGLO - Early Life